Monday, March 27, 2006

Tom Cruise's Nicole Kidman Phone Tapping Scandal

By: Chris Taylor
Tom Cruise is at the centre of a phone tapping storm after FBI agents discovered a recording of a private conversation between him and his ex-wife Nicole Kidman.
Agents discovered the tape-recording on the computer of Hollywood private investigator Anthony Pellicano, who worked for Los Angeles attorney Dennis Wasser, whose services Cruise retained during his divorce proceedings to Kidman.
Kidman reportedly knew she was being taped by Cruise as their marriage broke down – employing her own private investigator Richie Di Sabatino to counter his methods.
Sabatino reveals to the New York Post, “We swept her phones and put on an encryption device, so she couldn't be wiretapped. We tried to keep one step ahead."
A friend of Kidman’s adds, “During her divorce, she would talk to friends on the phone and every couple of minutes break into the conversation and say, 'So, Tom, are you listening,' or 'Am I saying what you want me to say, Tom?'
“She knew he was either tapping her phone or trying to. She was no dummy. She not only knew about it but taunted Tom."
Sabatino believes, because of the measures they took, the recording "was probably from Tom's phone".
Pellicano – who is currently in prison on illegal firearms charges - has also worked for a host of stars including the Clintons, Michael Jackson and Elizabeth Taylor.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Sientology Ceremony Weds Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes 8 Months Ago?

by Jack Ryan
There just might be a bit of a hitch in the "When is TomKat going to walk down the aisle" question, Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise might already be married, according to The National Enquirer, which claims they wed in a Scientology ceremony.
Could the gossipies have actually missed this one? Word is Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes may have tied the knot eight months ago -- at least in the eyes of L. Ron Hubbard's church.
The Enquirer states that one of the church's chaplains married the couple early last July in a ceremony at sea.
TomKat, who met a few months earlier, are said to have exchanged rings emblazoned with triangular Scientology symbols during a Caribbean cruise aboard the sect's ship the Freewinds, reports the New York Daily News.
Katie Holmes' Catholic family was reportedly not present, but is due to attend their "official" wedding later this year.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Tom Cruise wanna call his kid 'Hubbard'!

by Asian News International

Celebrities are famous for giving their children unusual names. Gwyneth Paltrow named her daughter Apple, Julia Roberts named her son Phinnaeus, and now it seems that actor Tom Cruise is determined to join this bandwagon by naming his child 'Hubbard'.
According to The Sun, Cruise wants to name his baby after L Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, the religious sect Cruise follows, in honour of his memory.
However, one person who is not thrilled about Tom's choice of name is fiancee Katie Holmes, for she's afraid that the wacky name will make both her and the baby the "laughing stock" of Hollywood.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Cruise Singled Out at Razzies

by Sarah Hall

...Perhaps the closest race of the night came down to the newly created Razzie Award for Most Tiresome Tabloid Target, a category in which Tom Cruise: The Anti-Psychiatry Rant was matched up against Tom Cruise: Katie Holmes, Oprah's Couch, the Eiffel Tower and Tom's Baby.
In the end, Cruise's "jump the couch" antics won out over his distaste for mind-altering pseudosciences, though it was undoubtedly a tough decision for the voting parties.